Some of the workshops I offer:
Stress less
Modern life is fast, demanding, and full of challenges. Navigating through all the demands and having it all isn’t always easy. When we feel like demands overcome our capacities, we stress.
Goal of this workshop is to discover what causes stress in your life, to learn to shift perspective and regain balance, and peace in your life.
The workshop is 3 hours long and made for six people.

Emotional intelligence
Being emotionally intelligent means dealing with other people successfully. But we cannot understand other people if we don’t understand ourselves. That is why in this workshop, you will learn about feelings: to recognize them, to appreciate them, and to express them in the best possible way.
Besides this, you will learn about empathy and how to build better social skills.
This workshop is 8 hours long (can be done in two meetings) and made for up to 10 people.
Goal of this workshop is to discover what causes stress in your life, to learn to shift perspective and regain balance, and peace in your life.
The workshop is 3 hours long and made for six people.

Communicate like a pro
If you ever searched for a job, you noticed that most of the ads state communication skills as required. In every type of business, as well as in day-to-day life, clear communication makes a difference. Whether you want to increase your productivity, avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, make everything you do run smoothly, or have good relations in your team, this workshop can help.
It is available for up to 10 people, and it is 4 hours long.
I also organise workshops in cooperation with Naucmese-